well ok, ive thort about it long and hard with my site co creator sean. and we have fathomed our winner. it was in no way easy, good work tho. these things are really funny lol. ah-hem the winner of the first-every so ofted-haroldinium-advanced caption competition is...
*drum roll is heard*
in no secific order
3rd - time paradox (i loved it)
2nd - kitten (awwwwww)
1st - the family guy thing (the laughter it created was like a punch in she stomack)
congratulations to all the contestants, but dont be dishearened. I HAVE AN IDEA!
i think il do a scor bord so people can earn points to show everyone how much they kick-arse this is how it stands
brother rildar - 3
natus - 2
murder in china - 1
kind obvious dont ys think? so ern points and be the ultimate caption man! (or WOman) the second contest will be up shortly